Dear Friends, the following came from IS AMERICA BURNING (see Special Links) and is part of a post written by Worried. What she has to say is of vital importance and is pertinent to my last post so I thought I'd share it with you.
"Radical factions of the three major religions seek global domination with several ends in view. Radical Muslims seek world domination and conversion of the world's populace to Islam in order to bring about the return of the 12th imam. Radical Jews seek restoration of the Holy Temple and restoration of every inch of land held by Israel several thousand years ago; domination will bring about the coming of the Messiah (they do not consider Jesus the Messiah). Radical Christians (Fundies) seek world domination, conversion of the world's populace to their brand of Christianity in order to bring about the return of the Messiah (Jesus).
So what does this have to do with destroying the earth and its environment? They believe the prophecy that when the Messiah comes He will create a "new heaven and a new earth". So if a new earth is to be presented to mankind (with the Fundies as co-rulers) it doesn't matter how man ruins the environment, creates irreversible global warming, or destroys the earth itself - they're gonna get a brand new earth. Isn't that ducky? Too bad about the rest of us or our progeny for future generations.
Daniel said...I didn't know 'whether' to comment or not, Worried! It was the 'fundies' section that did it. Them and George. Sometimes I think I live in an asylum and all the sane people are locked up and get their meals served and nice pills that make them quiet and peaceful. We who live in the nightmare that is the real world deserve to be pitied.
Well, Friends, there you have it. It is a thought-provoking, disturbing post. Worried, thank you. We are in your debt.
If only those who want to 'believe' could just get on with it and not impact negatively upon other people's lives. But that's not in their mission statement.
Converting everyone to their beliefs one way or another is!
If I listen to my daughter within the next generation we are not going to have an earth to worry about anyhow. In her opinion we are doomed because we refuse to restrict the use of valuable resources throughout the world to important uses for living and survival. Lisa believes that in her children's lifetime the earth is "stuffed" without sufficient fresh water, with genetically engineering foods, the rich getting greedier, life becoming cheaper, and a dog eat dog mentality. Sport reigns while Rome burns. Millions are paid to celebs and idiots, not science!
Do we all feel better now for knowing, what we as individual cannot change, because it has to come from the top down in order to impact on the stupid twits who can't see passed their next IPOD....
Seeing Sicko the other night just confirms my fears about the most powerful country in the world being run by one the stupidest men possible! The Bible Belt of America is one Tourist Destination off my visiting card this year.
The Bible Bashers, the Koran Krasies and the Judaism Junkies; all of them threaten the future of our world.
When they are combined with the Clueless Capitalists and Putrescent Politicians what chance have we got, eh, Mary? None, I'd reckon.
P.S. Please apologize to Lisa for the world we gave her.
The irony is that the leaders of each of the fundamentalist factions tend to be quite cynical - the late Jerry Falwell comes to mind. I cannot, for one minute, think that Falwell actually believed in the God he preached about. I believe that his real God was the almighty dollar.
There is a tremendous push for "space tourism", and it comes with a hefty price tag. Why? Because when this earth is burning and uninhabitable, the wealthy cynics will be rocketing off to their multi-billion dollar colonies on the Moon, and Mars.
Look, I do believe in a God of my understanding. As a recovering alcoholic, in AA for many years, I have found that I do rely on a power greater than myself. But it is my belief, and personal, and not something I want to force anyone else to believe. Religion, faith, should be personal - believe, or don't believe, but please keep your faith or lack thereof out of Government.
Because it is just as wrong to outlaw faith (as the USSR did) as it is to demand that the Ten Commandments be displayed in Government buildings.
Daniel, I am certain you don't get Stephen Colbert's show down under, but he had Cong. Lynn Westmoreland on his show not all that long ago. Westmoreland, an idiot from the South, felt that the Ten Commandments should be displayed in all Government Buildings. So Colbert asked the Congressman to name them. He said "What, all Ten?" Colbert nodded. Westmoreland could not do it. Hilarious, and sad, and quite revealing.
Worried and Jood, I'm in your debt for your valuable, revealing comments.
My position is that folk are entitled to their beliefs as long as they don't interfere with my life or my world! Cheers!
Heaven and Hell is right here, right now.....what you make here is what's important, not to wait for something that might never be.
It doesn't matter to me what people believe or not, but, there's no justification for forcing beliefs on others. No matter who U R.
Have you read or seen this play by Bernard Shaw?
Cheers from the us of a! ; )
Personally, I'm hoping for the rapture sooner rather than later. A world without fundamentalists cannot possibly be any worse than the one we're dealing with now. Give 'em a new earth. I'll take this one and make due without their meddling.
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