Monday, August 13, 2007


I read somewhere that there are 70 million blogs. Hey, that's lots! If I wanted to visit and comment on each one that would take me, well I don't have broadband, mightn't live long enough!

Then if wanted to get back to each one to see if they responded to my comment and, if they did, were they nice to me,, it's all too much. I feel stressed.

What's the answer then? The world is quickly becoming flooded with blogs. They're like an epidemic, a plague. Soon you won't be able to move without bumping into a blog. Some of them have sharp corners. Some of them have none. Some have substance and some...well...

As I write, in darkened rooms all over the world, more and more people are tapping away at their keyboards, baring their souls or being naughty or peddling hate or promoting peace...well, who knows? Like me, they are hoping that someone is going to read their posts, respond positively.

Hits and comments become their lifeblood, the key to their happiness. They rise early each morning and the first thing they do is to turn on the computer. Then, if they got some positive comments, they kiss their partners and wish them good morning. If they didn't get a single comment or there was a nasty one, a fierce growl suffices. They are truly addicted! They have become servants of an electronic monster which runs their lives.

Thing is, if more than six billion people eventually get computers and each one has a blog that Special Links won't be big enough, I'll never have enough time...the room is spinning...the screen is getting's trying to swallow me...


P.S. I've put Comment Moderation back on again. Sorry, but a few people: political, racial or religious extremists, typically play the man and not the ball!

They just can't help themselves!


Anonymous said...

Blogdom really is mind-boggling, all those people out there finding they have a voice and further that they can share it with the world -- well with some of the world at least. This is probably the greatest revolution since the rise of print media.

That at least some of the voices are worth hearing and would have had no chance of being heard at all makes it all worthwhile; or so I think.

Granny said...

I subscribe to Bloglines and have almost 300 links over there. Of course many are news feeds but even so it's a lot.

For some reason, you're at the top of their list. Probably because your title is ALL CAPS.

I think it's worthwhile. Even if no one but me ever reads either one of the blogs, it's good to write.

Not that I don't love getting comments and email of course.

Anonymous said...

Terrific post,Dan.
I agree with ninlun and granny on this one. We all should have a voice even at the risk of it being through a silly pc screen.


Anonymous said...

*Sorry-( ninglun )

Daniel said...

Hey, ninglun, bring on the revolution I say! Nice of you to drop by.

Granny, I subscribed to Bloglines a few minutes ago. Not sure how it works but I guess I'll find out!

Zoe, the job centers around how to get all the individual voices united!


enigma4ever said...

okay i am here to help....are you okay? you didn;t get swallowed right???

it is all

( thanks- I made your 50 special things list...that is so nice...)

I love your blog......

Daniel said...

Daniel knows only the nicest people, Enigma! Cheers.

Granny said...

I've heard Google Reader is preferred by some. I may change eventually but I'm used to Bloglines.

I like knowing when someone has posted so I don't have to keep going back - and back - and back.

Just add the links to the blogs/news feeds, etc. you want updated. If it's a blogspot feed, be sure to choose "atom" if there's more than one feed. Blogger doesn't do RSS anymore.

Daniel said...

Thanks, Granny. There is much I still need to learn about the mechanics of the internet! Cheers.

Unknown said...


I love Blogs. At the moment I am without a television and all of you are accompanying my meals.... crispy noodles with tofu while I am woriting this.

I would rather surf Blogs or YouTube than watch television quite frankly ... its allows me to catch a glimpse into other people's real worlds....

which of course is rather sobering... the more blogs the merrier.....

of course one day someone's blog posts will be used against them in a criminal charge and then we will all have to become underground bloggers...... :)

Davoh said...

Are there too many Blogs? pathetic question, really. How many people exist on this planet. Each and every one of them have a voice.

Daniel said...

But Davo, can you imagine 70 million voices all going at once?

And when there are five or six billion blogs, who is going to read each one?

P.S. Hey Davo, how about I put your blog on my special links? Your wisdom is appreciated.

Falling on a bruise said...

That sure is a lot of blogs but i wonder how many are current. I have followed so many links to find that the last post was way back in time and obviously abandoned.
I have far too many on my google reader and cannot possibly get around them in one evening and write a few posts for my own so i feel a belated spring clean coming on.

Daniel said...

Keeping up with all one's links is very time consuming, Lucy. I guess there is a number beyond which it becomes more a chore than something enjoyable.

There just aren't enough hours in a day I'm afraid. Cheers.
