Somethings are able to be
Lonely, just like this tree.
If you're anything like me,
Being lonely is too scary.
Humans, in the main, don't like being lonely. We are social animals who do best when we are surrounded by loving family and friends.
If you see a lonely person, why not say, "Hello." It doesn't cost a lot and a small chat might just make their day. Buying them a cup of coffee might be a priceless gift.
David, I think I'm even more lonely than your stand alone tree picture!
I'm surrounded by family and friends that are good for company as long as we talk about the weather. But the things that matter to me, the things that I want to get them to wake up to, causes their eyes to glaze over and their brains to shut down.
I know your stand alone tree is symbolic. But I see myself in a forest of trees, surrounded by relatives and yet more alone in my thoughts than the stand alone tree in your picture! I don't think I can change 'their' thoughts so maybe I can change the way I perceive everything?
Just this week I told my husband how happy to be quiet and alone I am. One of the advantages of having been abandoned throughout my childhood by parents, allows me to be my most comfortable in alone silence.
I had a medical test last week. A three hour electrical reading of my body. I was asked to go to my "happy place." I realized that my happy place is my kitchen. In my mind, I spent most of those hours quiet and alone in my house.
Many years ago I had lots of friends. We used to party all day and night. At one point I sat in a room full of friends and yet had never felt such an aweful loneliness!
My peace comes from the inside, out.
Am alone but not lonely. God's greatest gift to me:-)
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