This brilliant cartoon came from Al-jazeerah. It illustrates the utter madness of the current in-fighting between Fatah and Hamas, in-fighting which allows even more Israeli manipulation and control of the Palestinian Territories.
The cartoon has one small inaccuracy: the question of scale. If the IDF tanks had been drawn 10 times bigger, the cartoon would have been far more accurate.
That aside, will the Palestinians never learn that division leads to disaster?
Devide and conquer is the name of the game of war. Israel would be loving watching the Arab Muslim World tearing itself apart. And by definition - mentioning Israel would include America, England and Australia because we, in the colalition of the willing, have joined forces to promote angst among a desperate people.
A pack of dogs when starving, kicked and bullied will turn inwards to fight each other out of fear and the overwhelming sense of despair where even death is preferable to "doing nothing".
The way the factions fight each other in the name of religious throughout the world is a very good reason why I can't believe in their "holy scriptures of voilence and retribution" be it Allah, God or any other name....By their actions they will be known....
The Jews, however having faced off to Hitler should take pity on the Palestians who are just the Jewish situation repeated, in role reversal! History does repeat itself and Hitler was fulfilling his role in history as are the Jews today. Man killing man in a mistaken belief that one is superior over another!
I can't even pretend to think I believe it is about is about money and oil and land and I want what I want - because I can take everything you have...Arabs will pay for Germans "sins"....and we don't care...we good Christians in the name of compassion and love of our fellow man - including mine enemy!!!
I think Palestians fight each other because they are trying to find the strongest among to either go with the flow of western culture or stand and fight for their individual identity and culture.
Mary Walsh
I have been highlighting the Palestinian situation for years with the same conviction as you champion euthanasia. They are both important causes which are worth fighting for.
But the vested interests which control the world for power and/or profit resolutely fight against us.
Blogging could be a powerful force in the battle but to do that it needs to be united instead of the free-for-all that it is.
Greetings Mary!
If you had not written your first sentence, i surely would have done - no doubt the in-fighting relates to the old tactic of divide and conquer. Or in this case: divide and remain conquered.
However i find your later statements to be conflicting:
"The way the factions fight each other in the name of religious throughout the world is a very good reason why I can't believe in their "holy scriptures of voilence and retribution" be it Allah, God or any other name....By their actions they will be known...."
"I can't even pretend to think I believe it is about is about money and oil and land and I want what I want - because I can take everything you have..."
I do understand where you're coming from though. On the one hand you have three religions that are meant to be about peace, love and justice, and on the other you have people slaughtering their neighbours apparently for the sake of God. But as you rightly say, it is rarely about religion - religion, like all ideologies, can be hijacked for the sake of power and earthly dominion. There is not one single people who ascribe to some form of religion or ideology, that have not committed atrocities that their own ideology forbids. This includes the Hindus, Buddhists, Communists etc.
However, religion can be as great a force for good as it can be for evil - if not greater. Like all matters of morality, it comes down to individual choice. Am i prepared to take the road of self-sacrifice that leads to justice and eventual peace, or am i going to take the easy way out, that seems to give quick results yet achieves nothing but chaos?
That, IMHO, is the definition of so-called-Islamic terrorism (there is nothing Islamic about it!). Certain Muslims get desperate and want things done quickly, but virtually every story in the Qur'an and the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) itself, proves that the only way to attain victory (and by that i mean a just and stable society) is through patient perseverance.
"By their actions they will be known" is a suitable quote, but to use it in the context of war completely ignores all the good that many people have done for the sake of God. (Besides, doesn't that advice relate to the identification of false prophets?)
For me, a more fitting Biblical quote would be "you reap what you sow". Justice cannot be born of injustice. Muslims will never attain "victory" as long as they ignore Islam which is not a religion of peace, but a religion of justice.
Anyway, sorry to go on. I'm glad to meet a new SU contributor & look forward to future discussion!
Best wishes.
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