Thursday, October 18, 2007

What Will Each Child Become?

This charming photograph shows a cute human baby. It captures all its fragility, its adorable loveliness, its beautiful potential.

In a matter of years, each baby will become an adult, one totally unrecognizable from its baby photos. It will take its place in the world, pursue a career, have relationships and probably marry someone of the opposite gender and the procreation cycle will begin again. Its life, generally speaking, will probably be spent either in the service of others or in advantaging itself or engaging in wickedness. Remember that Bush, Saddam, Gore, Mother Teresa, Howard, Pol Pot, Cheney, etc, were all cute babies once (some more cute than others)!

What never ceases to amaze me is that all humans began their lives in exactly the same way (though their circumstances do vary greatly). Every human was once a dependent baby, one whose mind contained no animus, no desire to injure or kill others, no lust to rape or molest or to be sexually deviant, no drive to dominate others or to feel superior to them, no wish to accumulate a fortune they can never spend while others starve, no capacity to believe in discriminatory, elitist religious fantasies...

If only we could keep all babies from becoming contaminated by the world as well as negate their potential base instincts...

If only!

Photo Link.


Coffee Messiah said...

You said it: If only! ; ('

Cheers to ya! ; )

Daniel said...

Thanks, Coffee. Following the French Revolution we had the option of making a wonderful world and we blew it!

Human being's worst enemy is themselves.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Daniel, you've lost me with this article. I couldn't imagine anything worse than to have remained a baby throughout my life, without a developed brain and without the ability to do things for myself.

Babies are cute, kids are provocative but survive nonetheless, but without adult mankind as we know it, most of us wouldn't have survived to appreciate what most people do, a general appreciation of what life is all about!

In order to evolve, first we have to grow up, and many of us do! into quite rational human beings.

Blue said...

you know, sometimes i try to imagine the evil people of the world (some of those you named) being cute, adorable, innocent babies...i just can't imagine it...

if we were truly evolved, we would find a way to raise our little innocents to live to their true honor and value life instead of destroy it...

Unknown said...

Unfortunately I seem to be adopting your perspective more and more....

I have very little faith in the masses..... msot children will become life sucking, capitalist, numb, mindless parasites.....

Very few individuals will become mindful and productive with a veiwpoint for tomorrow, and with a need to build things for their future children.

Daniel said...

Mary, I wasn't suggesting we remain as babies but to grow in a different direction.

Bluegrrrl, we are evolving but not in a positive direction.

Lil, I wish the reality of mankind was different but what can you do. We are what we are and surely, eventually, we'll destroy ourselves.

Cheers to you all!
