Monday, August 06, 2007


"Praying for a miracle or just stumbling?"

On several occasions, I've alluded to the fact that I believe that Prime Minister Howard will resign before the next election because he fears facing the Keating-like humiliation of being thrown out on his ear by a landslide.

Polls in Australia conducted over months show Labor (the Democrats) under Rudd with a big lead while the Coalition of the National Party and the Liberal Party (the Republicans) under Howard trails badly. And the election hasn't even been called yet!

A report which was leaked from Coalition headquarters confirms that many people in Australia think that Howard among other things is too old and too dishonest! Perhaps, after ten years of continuous photo-ops, he's reached his use-by date as well. We all do!

What are your thoughts on the likelihood of Howard getting out of the burning kitchen while he can and leaving Costello to try to put out the flames? Is it likely that Howard will be more concerned about achieving a better kind of ending for his memoirs than about deserting his party? Has his sycophancy towards Bush been a major factor in his fall from grace? Have his pet I.R. laws reared up and bit him in the bum? Is his reaching sixty-eight years a barrier in political life? Should it be? Is it the fact that Australia is now far more at risk of terrorism because of our involvement in Commander Bush's follies?

Your thoughts are sought and how you'd bet.

UPDATE - 7/7/07. Parliament resumed. Question time was its usual insult to democracy. The Government refused to answer the Opposition's questions and, when asked prepared questions by members of their own party, boringly bragged about their imagined successes during their decade in office. They lack credibility, policy and enthusiasm. Dead-men Talking describes them perfectly.


Anonymous said...

Considering your aspirations I thought it might be prudent to make you aware of the peace-loving, freedom of conscience defending, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community whose slogan is "Love for All, Hatred for None." For more information, check out and, peace be with you.

enigma4ever said...

well, I think you are right about What is are pretty sharp...

Lang Mack said...

Daniel, all that you have mentioned, what the Libs have been blind too is their wins, bye lack of opposition. Now there is a hope of ridding this mob the whole thing snow balls. And how sweet is this, (you may remember)
John Howard, Robert Askin and Joh B Peterson, all in the Lb/Nats hall of fame. How sweet.How infamous. How,over to you.

Daniel said...

Yes, it will be a sweet moment, Lang Mack. But of course remember that our John will do anything to win and who knows what new depths he might yet plumb?

WeezieLou said...

it's really interesting to hear abt politics in another country. and it is all the szame old shit, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I think Mr Howard will lose the election rather than Mr Rudd winning it.

So many people I've heard tell he is just a younger version of Howard with his ultra conservative views and his lack of Opposition Leadership does not serve him well...

Perhaps the Greens and Democrats will do better than we had assumed...As the minorities they do have power!

Daniel said...

Mary, I think that Howard will be routed. Further, I think that a baboon could win this election Howard is so much on the nose. Cheers!

Janders said...

A drover's baboon, Daniel? Seriously, the momentum is there and it would require something very big to turn it around.

Daniel said...

Welcome aboard, Janders. We can but hope that Ratus Cunningligus does not have something like a mock terrorist attack up his sleeve!

Janders said...

Thank you, Daniel. Of course if there was an attack, whoever was to blame, it might not reflect well on the government - both through all their anti-terrorism measures having failed and the Iraq war having increased the risk of terrorist attack.

Then it would be a matter of fear versus rational thought in the electorate.

Daniel said...

Rational thought in the electorate? That's a novel idea, Janders.

Janders said...

Daniel, I have heard rumours that there are some rational people out there. If true, it would be a joy if the phenomenon caught on.

Anonymous said...

Though I believe that the Liberals are gonna loose big, I don't believe that Howard is gonna leave prematurely. My understanding is that his advisers are blowing a significant amount of sunshine up his ass.
